Monday, November 30, 2009

I Don't Like Spiders And Snakes...

So I have a few irrational fears. Who doesn't?

I have always been afraid of bugs for no reason (aside from this movie), I get nervous butterflies before I get on a roller coaster (a few summers working in an amusement park will make anyone wary) but the one fear I have that is completely unexplainable is needles. I've never had any sort of bad experience with needles. I was reasonably healthy for the first 24 years of my life and didn't have any more injections than the next person. Yet, for some unknown, ridiculous reason, I am terrified of needles.

Just thinking about a needle is enough to make me nauseous. My diabetic grandmother used to ask us to get her needle from the fridge for her. I would send my little sister. Time for a blood test? If I thought about it too far in advance I would be so nervous by the time I got to the doctor's office I wouldn't be able to sit still.

I never thought I would have to actually pick up a needle and inject myself. It gives me the willies. I try not to think about it until it's time. I try to make sure I'm nice and relaxed but I just can't help it. I had my sixth injection tonight and I'm just not sure I'll ever get used to it.

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