Friday, November 20, 2009


I'm so irritated and frustrated and angry! I thought the Humira was working. I suppose I'm being punished for getting my hopes up.

I have had one of the worst weeks ever. It all started with the giantest migraine ever on Sunday and went downhill from there. I'm back to not being able to eat anything without having to run to the bathroom but, this week, the trips to the bathroom are accompanied by pain like I've never had before - horrible, crampy pain that sometimes turns into burning then stabbing pain. Just in case that wasn't enough for me to deal with, I'm blessed with daily headaches that seem to get really intense in the afternoon then either go away, or don't. Also, although I'm not taking any meds orally, I am having nausea like I haven't had since I was on 10 pills/day.

I don't know what's going on in there. My doctor wants to wait a few more weeks to make sure the Humira is working. I'm so over it.

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