Monday, April 19, 2010


Life is strange.

I lived most of my life up to this point, not really with reckless abandon, in a less than thoughtful way I guess. I'm not a huge risk taker and I always consider the future before making a decision but I didn't necessarily treat my body as my temple. I have never been one to get enough sleep. I used to love to go out with the girls and have (more than) a few drinks. I generally ate reasonably healthy food, but I haven't really gotten enough exercise since high school.

When Crohn's hit I had to make a big change. I could no longer physically proceed with my life on the amount of sleep I was used to. Naps became a regular occurrence. I had to begin analyzing everything I put into my body. No more drinking or staying out late.

Now that I have a disease and have battled through a two-year flare my perspective is completely different. I appreciate my life and my health so much more than I ever could have before Crohn's. I am so thankful that I can clean my entire apartment in one day or do laundry in the morning and have enough energy to leave the house again in the afternoon. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely send this disease back where it came from (the innermost reaches of the sewer system?) if I could - but I can't so I am learning from it.

We're going through some things here that I don't know if I could have handled a few months ago. The timing of my recovery from the latest and longest flare could not have come at a better time. I am in such a better place both physically and mentally than I was even a month ago.

These new developments have me appreciating the uncertainty of life. I know it's cliche but we really have no idea what could happen tomorrow. Life is short. There is no time to waste. Now is the time to get rid of the people who keep you from being your best. Those who make their support and love known deserve your support and love in return. Give it to them freely. Let them know you love them with your actions. Give hugs and kisses. Make yourself happy.

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