Sunday, April 11, 2010


On weekends we like to sleep late and have a good breakfast. I always had more stomach issues on the weekends but I assumed for a long time that it was because of the volume of my breakfast as my weekday breakfast is much lighter.

I generally would have some egg whites and turkey bacon which, to a normal person, might seem like a light breakfast. For a Crohnie, it's playing with fire. Generally, I paid for these breakfasts as the stomach upset would start immediately after breakfast and continue throughout the day. Now that I'm feeling much better, I'm beginning to wonder if it's the eggs.

I'm still eating light most of the time and I'm not completely symptom free but the symptoms I'm having are far fewer and farther between than they have been for the past two years.

I was just thinking back to last weekend. I took a road trip to attend a wedding. Spending a weekend a few hours away from home and my comfortable food would have been incredibly anxiety inducing a few months ago. Now? Not as much. I was still a bit nervous and my stomach was uncomfortably distended for most of the trip but I didn't have to run to the bathroom at all - except once, soon after breakfast including egg whites!

I've decided to test my theory this morning. I don't have anywhere to go so... I finished an egg on a slice of gluten free toast with some cheddar at 10:00. I'll keep you updated.

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