Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I spoke with my doctor last week. My blood test was fine except for slightly elevated liver levels (sorry, I have nothing more specific). He thinks it's probably from the Tylenol I've been taking for headache but my numbers were not high enough to stop the Tylenol.

The doctor agrees that my joints shouldn't be more painful now that I'm (supposedly) in remission. He is sending me to a Rheumatologist who I will see next week. This particular doctor comes highly recommended by my Gastro, online reviews and someone I know who has seen him. As always, I am incredibly grateful to live in New York and have access to some of the best doctors in the world. I have an appointment next week.

Otherwise, I'm still having headaches several times a week although I haven't had a migraine in quite some time (knock knock). My guts are generally quiet during the week as long as I don't eat lunch - which I learned the hard way last week. The weekends are still a bit more tumultuous because I like food, OK?

And so we wait...

1 comment:

  1. hi there, i just wanted to introduce myself. My name is rachel, and i also have crohn's disease. I just found your blog over twitter, and i've been reading some of your earlier posts. i just want you to know that while reading your blog, i understand exactly what you are going through and i sympathize greatly. i hope you feel better, and even though we don't know each other, i'm rooting for you. know that someone out here cares, and does find your blog very helpful. :) i hope to read more of your blog soon.
